教授 田中 義幸 | WEBサイト | 公益財団法人青森学術文化振興財団の令和5年度事業実績報告 |
公益財団法人青森学術文化振興財団の令和4年度事業実績報告 |
【専門分野】 海洋生態学、物質循環、生態系機能、環境保全、生物分布、モニタリング、海草、アマモ
【担当科目】 海洋生態学、臨海実習(北海道大学と連携)、基礎化学I・II、 化学実験A・B、機器分析、物質変換工学特論
【研究内容】 青森県が擁する豊かな海は環境の変化に富み、多様な海洋生物を育んでいます。本研究室は、この恵まれた海洋生態系を対象に、海洋環境の変動にともなう海洋生物の分布・機能の変化を研究しています。陸奥湾に広がる海中の草原、アマモ場や、水温の影響をうけて分布範囲が変化する発光生物、ウミホタルも私達の研究対象です。
【設備機器】 元素分析計 (CE instruments, NA2500NC)、質量分析計 (ThermoFisher, DELTAplus)
1. Venus Leopardas, Masakazu Hori, Hiroshi Mukai, Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Ken-ichi Yokoi, Misuzu Aoki, Naoto Sato, Napakhwan Whanpetch, Masahiro Nakaoka (2018) Broad scale variation in seagrass benthic macrofaunal assemblages along the coast of Japan, Ecological Research
2. Morimoto N, Umezawa Y, San Diego-McGlone ML, Watanabe A, Siringan FP, Tanaka Y,? Regino GL, Miyajima T (2017) Spatial dietary shift in bivalves from embayment with river discharge and mariculture activities to outer seagrass beds in northwestern Philippines. Marine biology.
3. Isada T, Hirawake T, Nakada S, Kobayashi T, Sasaki K, Tanaka Y, Watanabe S, Koji Suzuki K, Saitoh S (2017) Influence of hydrography on the spatiotemporal variability of phytoplankton assemblages and primary productivity in Funka Bay and the Tsugaru Strait. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 188:199-211.
4. Tanaka Y, G A Go, Watanabe A, Miyajima T, Nakaoka M, W H Uy, Nadaoka K, Watanabe S, M D Fortes (2014) 17-year change in species composition of mixed seagrass beds around Santiago Island, Bolinao, the northwestern Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin 88: 81-85.
5. Yamada K, Tanaka Y, Era T, Nakaoka M (2014) Environmental and spatial controls of macroinvertebrate functional assemblages in seagrass ecosystems along the Pacific coast of northern Japan. Global Ecology and Conservation 2: 47?61.
6. Yamada K, Hori M, Tanaka Y, Hasegawa N, Nakaoka M (2010) Contribution of different functional groups to the diet of major predatory fishes at a seagrass meadow in northeastern Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 86: 71-82.
7. Miyajima T, Yoshimizu C, Tsuboi Y, Tanaka Y, Tayasu I, Nagata T, Koike I (2009) Longitudinal distribution of nitrate δ15N and δ18O in two contrasting tropical rivers: Implications for instream nitrogen cycling. Biogeochemistry 95:243-260.
8. Hori M, Suzuki T, Monthum Y, Srisombat T, Tanaka Y, Nakaoka M, Mukai H (2009) High seagrass diversity and canopy height increase the associated fish diversity and abundance. Marine Biology 156: 1447-1458.
9. Miyajima T, Tsuboi Y, Tanaka Y, Koike I (2009) Export of inorganic carbon from two Southeast-Asian mangrove forests to adjacent estuaries as estimated by the stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 114, G01024.
10. Tanaka Y, Miyajima T, Yamada K, Hori M, Hasegawa N, Umezawa Y, Koike I. (2008) Specific growth rate as a determinant of carbon isotopic composition of a temperate seagrass Zostera marina. Aquatic Botany 89: 331-336.
11. Nakamura Y, Horinouchi M, Shibuno T, Tanaka Y, Miyajima T, Koike I, Kurokura H, Sano M (2008) Evidence of ontogenic migration from mangroves to coral reefs by black tail snapper Lutjanus fulvus: a stable isotope approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series 355: 257-266.
12. Tanaka Y, Nakaoka M (2007) Interspecific variation in photosynthesis and respiration balance of three seagrasses in relation to light availability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 350: 63-70.